Dog agitated and pantingDog agitated and panting

Have you noticed your dog becoming agitated and panting? If so, it is important to pay special attention to this type of situation to take care of your best friend’s well-being.

This can often be a common sign. However, there are cases where it requires greater attention from owners, as it may be a symptom of a health problem.

Check below which cases require greater attention and clear up any doubts you may have on the subject.

Signs of excessive agitation in dogs

If you have doubts about whether your dog is overly agitated, some symptoms that can help you identify this situation are:

  • barks excessively;
  • destroys objects when not walking;
  • likes to attract the attention of the owners;
  • goes around in circles a lot;
  • search for dominance if there are other dogs in the residence.

Importance of being aware of excessive agitation

Although some breeds are more predisposed to this, or even if there is a situation that justifies the agitation, it is important that owners know how to see when the situation is not normal.

This is because, in some cases, he may be panting due to a health problem. In this case, your best friend needs help taking care of his health.

For example, if it is a more serious problem, your dog may have a purple tongue. This is an emergency, as your dog may have low oxygen levels in his blood. Take him to the vet immediately in this case!

Another worrying cause that can make your dog feel this way is heart problems. This can even happen in younger animals! So, it’s worth paying special attention if this starts to happen again.

Main causes for your dog to become agitated and panting

Have you noticed that your dog is panting and agitated? What could it be? Check out the main causes that are not so worrying below and see if any of them are the case.

Intense heat

Dogs don’t sweat. That’s why, when their bodies are too hot, they exchange heat with the environment through their tongues. In other words, they’re trying to cool down. Remember to leave some fresh water out for them, okay?


When your best friend is in a stressful situation, scared or anxious, he may become more breathless. This is often accompanied by shaking, barking, pacing and body signals of aggression and alertness. In this case, talk to your dog and try to calm him down.

After playing or after walks

Just like humans, your dog can get tired after exercise. So if your dog has been playing with an interactive toy or going for a walk and is panting, this is normal. However, if your dog is taking a long time to recover, talk to your vet about it.

Moments of joy

Often, the animal is so excited that it expresses this by becoming more agitated. This causes it to pant more. In this case, you will notice its tail wagging as a sign of happiness, which is a way for it to communicate with its owners .

Is this behavior normal or not?

The answer is: it depends. For example, if your dog is panting after a long walk or play and then catches his breath after resting, this is normal behavior.

However, if he is like this even without more vigorous activities, or if he is not naturally agitated and his behavior is changing, it is important to be alert and seek a veterinarian’s evaluation on the matter.

The same goes for brachycephalic dogs (such as pugs, Lhasa Apsos, Shih Tzus and boxers). Although they tend to have respiratory problems, it may often be necessary to perform some interventions to improve the animal’s quality of life.

If you have any questions, it is best to consult a trusted veterinarian. This way, they can assess the case and answer any questions you may have about the subject, in addition to taking care of your pet’s health!

In this article, you saw the main causes that can make your dog agitated and panting. Observe your furry friend’s behavior and seek help when necessary!

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