Dog running from one side to the other

dog running from one side to the other or walking in circles demonstrates a somewhat unusual habit in some cases. After all, why does the animal act this way?

There are many reasons for this: it could be because the game “got hot” or even because there really is something wrong with the animal. That’s why it’s important to understand the reasons that make your dog run around. Keep reading!

Joke or problem?

Seeing your dog running around from time to time is normal — this behavior is natural for this species. When your dog is feeling a surge of energy, he needs to release it. That’s why he runs around for no apparent reason.

However, there are also some illnesses that can make your dog agitated . In these cases, your dog may run around non-stop. Therefore, understanding what is happening is the first step to helping your pet. Learn more about the causes of this behavior below.

Excess energy

This is the case where the owner doesn’t need to worry. When the dog has too much energy, he wants to play more and go for walks more because he just wants to run around!

By the way, don’t be surprised if this happens even right after the walk. Your dog may come home feeling a bit euphoric. So if he wants to burn off any remaining energy before getting some rest, he’ll keep running around the rooms.

In these cases, when your dog returns home and continues to run around like crazy, the solution is to extend the distance of the walk a little. It’s also worth setting aside some time to play with your dog. This will be good for both you and your dog!


Another cause of this behavior could be anxiety. Symptoms of an anxious dog include agitation, destruction of objects, and pacing from side to side or in circles. There are several factors that cause this condition in dogs, such as:

  • fear of some noise, such as thunder and fireworks;
  • traumas;
  • loneliness;
  • separation (from the owner, from another dog, from the mother, etc.);
  • stereotypy (repetitive behaviors without purpose).

In addition to being restless and running from one place to another, an anxious dog often doesn’t eat properly, licks its paws frequently, cries or barks. These signs don’t always happen at the same time, but they are easy to notice.

If this is the case, investigate what is causing your dog’s anxiety . Often, the dog is unable to express his natural behaviors. This harms his well-being. Consequently, he develops stereotypical behaviors and suppresses his natural instincts in the long term.

When this happens, the stress hormone increases in the body, which can cause chronic health problems over time. Therefore, it is important to talk to a specialist, who will indicate the best alternative to help your pet during this stressful time.

Other reasons that deserve the tutor’s attention

In addition to excess energy and anxiety, which are relatively easy issues to deal with, a dog running from one side to the other or walking in circles may have other problems. Learn more about them below.

Canine vestibular syndrome

The name may seem complicated, but anyone who has ever felt dizzy and gone to the doctor will know what it is. The vestibular system is largely responsible for balance and spatial awareness in animals and humans.

When this system is faulty, the animal may become disoriented. It may lose its balance and fall frequently. It may also drop its head to one side or start walking in circles.

This is usually caused by otitis, stroke or some neurological problems. However, although less frequent, it can also be caused by some congenital alteration, trauma, hormonal disorders or meningoencephalitis.

Cognitive Dysfunction Syndrome (CDS)

Cognitive dysfunction causes changes in dogs’ behavior. It is a neurodegenerative disease that usually affects older dogs, causing them to start walking from side to side or in circles.

He becomes disoriented and confused. This disorder is also known as “canine dementia” or “dog Alzheimer’s”. There are other signs that may be caused by DCS, such as: standing still and staring into space, changes in sleep, apathy, changes in appetite, excessive barking, agitation, among others.

Brain tumor

This diagnosis can be quite frightening. Therefore, it is important to keep your furry friend’s veterinary check-ups up to date to start treatment quickly. A brain tumor may be responsible for your dog ‘s strange behavior .

It is more common for it to appear in older animals. The symptoms can be very similar to those of vestibular syndrome, causing seizures, pain, mental confusion and motor incoordination. Often, the brain tumor leaves the dog restless and lost.

When to seek help?

If you notice your dog running or displaying any recurring or abnormal behavior, take him to a trusted veterinarian. The professional will examine the animal, request tests if necessary, and advise on the best treatment for your pet to get well.

Paying attention to your pet and seeking help when necessary ensures the animal’s well-being. Now that you know the reasons why your dog is running around, how about scheduling an appointment at the Seres Veterinary Center and checking if everything is okay with your pet? The veterinarians are ready to help!

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