Taurus pet your pet's sign

Do you have a Taurus pet ? Is it true that they are gluttons and jealous? You will discover some details about the Taurus personality and get to know your pet a little better. The app is making a special series about the sign, after all, astrology has taken over the internet. Even if you don’t believe in the influence of the stars, it’s worth taking a peek just for fun! Shall we?

All about the bull pet

After Aries, comes the sign of Taurus. The second sign in the zodiac. Whether human, cat or dog, Tauruses are known for being real gluttons, but with a gigantic heart! How about a snack?

Born: from April 20 to May 20.

Peculiarities: Taurus pets love to party when you arrive and when it’s time to eat. These are two precious moments, as they value food and loyalty very much. They can be lazy and tend to like to sleep in their beds or cuddle up with their owner. You can’t be too careful!

Ruling planet: Taurus’ element is Earth and its ruling planet is Venus, also known as the goddess of love. Could this be the reason for their attachment and strong needs? 

Symbol: as the name suggests, the symbol is a bull. Legend has it that Zeus transformed himself into an imposing bull to win over his beloved and that only part of the Taurus constellation appears in the sky because the rest is submerged in the sea. Very beautiful, isn’t it? 

Main characteristics of a Taurus dog or cat

Unlike Aries, Tauruses don’t have much energy. They really like to laze around with the people they love. They’re a good companion for a Netflix marathon ! They’re extremely faithful and loyal pets, but you have to be careful not to turn all this love into jealousy. 

It’s quite common for a Taurus pet to have jealousy attacks with toys, objects, clothes and owners. They get very attached! It’s nothing serious, but you have to watch out so it doesn’t turn into aggressive behavior. You also need to keep an eye on the amount of food in the bowl, since they’re not fans of walks and exercise, eating too much can be a problem.

These pets are excellent companions for children and the elderly. They’re attentive and affectionate! So? Did you hit it off with the Taurus you have at home? Tell us here and post a photo on the appegada.

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