Tips to protect yourself from leishmaniasis

Leishmaniasis is a serious infectious disease caused by parasites of the genus Leishmania, transmitted by the bite of sand flies, popularly known as “sand flies”. The disease can affect both humans and animals, especially dogs, and is most common in tropical and subtropical regions.

Leishmaniasis is a serious infectious disease caused by parasites of the genus Leishmania, transmitted by the bite of sand flies, popularly known as “sand flies”. The disease can affect both humans and animals, especially dogs, and is most common in tropical and subtropical regions. 

Protecting yourself from leishmaniasis is essential to ensure the health and well-being of your entire family, including your pets. Below, we present some essential tips for protecting yourself from leishmaniasis .

1. Use of repellents

Repellents are an effective way to protect yourself from leishmaniasis, as they help prevent sandfly bites. 

Use specific repellents for exposed skin and, if possible, choose those that contain DEET, icaridin or permethrin, which are considered more effective. 

Remember to reapply repellent as per the manufacturer’s instructions, especially after excessive sweating or swimming.

2. Installation of mosquito screens

A simple and efficient way to protect yourself from leishmaniasis is to install mosquito screens on doors and windows. 

These devices prevent sand flies from entering your home by creating a physical barrier. 

Additionally, the use of mosquito nets when sleeping, especially in areas with a high incidence of the disease, is highly recommended.

3. Avoid times when mosquitoes are most active

Sand flies are most active at dusk and at night, so avoid being outdoors at these times or, if necessary, take additional protective measures, such as wearing long clothing and using insect repellent. 

Also try to reduce the external lighting in your home, as it attracts insects.

4. Maintenance and cleaning of the environment

Keeping the environment clean and free of organic matter is essential to protect yourself from leishmaniasis. Sand flies usually breed in humid places with lots of vegetation. 

Therefore, eliminate dry leaves, food scraps and keep the yard clean. It is also important to avoid the accumulation of garbage and organic waste in places close to the residence.

5. Pet care

Dogs are the main hosts of Leishmania and can be a source of infection for humans. 

To protect your pet and, consequently, protect yourself from leishmaniasis, use repellent collars specifically for dogs and apply topical products recommended by your veterinarian. 

Additionally, keep the animal in a protected environment, especially during times of peak mosquito activity.

6. Vaccination and preventive treatment

There is a vaccine available for dogs that offers protection against leishmaniasis. Consult a veterinarian about vaccinating your pet and follow the booster recommendations. 

For humans, there is not yet an effective vaccine available, but it is essential to follow all the preventive measures mentioned to minimize the risk of infection.

Leishmaniasis is a serious disease that requires constant attention and preventive care. By following these tips, you can protect yourself from leishmaniasis and ensure the safety and health of your family and pets.

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